Life Changing Affirmations 2018

Life Changing Affirmations 2018

May Light and Love be with you in this season of Peace Herewith my TOP 10 Affirmations for the New Year   1. Beyond my limits. Beyond my horizons. On to my dreams! 2. 2018 is my breakthrough year and so it is 3. I trade my New Year resolutions for a thought...
Gendai Reiki – A Journey to Bliss

Gendai Reiki – A Journey to Bliss

Take this journey without ego; taking you closer to your bliss, experience the beautiful harmony of Japanese Traditional Reiki with Western Reiki Gendai Reiki Ho is often called Japanese Reiki.  These Japanese styles of Usui Reiki are simple yet profound ways to bring...
I AM …

I AM …

There are many great words to describe who or what your highest identity or “Self” truly is. I Am Presence – “I” Consciousness Pure Being Spirit Essence of Life Cosmic consciousness God – Divine Creator The universal mind   Cosmic Consciousness, and...