Lightarian™ Reiki, AngelLinks and Purification Rings

Lightarian™ Reiki, AngelLinks and Purification Rings

Registered with the Lightarian™ Institute for Global Human Transformation. Lightarian describes a way of being; it  is “having the Force of Light in your life” and the spiritual acceleration is profound. Mastering the use of etheric Light energy is a transformational experience. Attunements and Activations are done as guided meditations or remote activations.

Lightarian™ Reiki

Lightarian™ Reiki is a unique, expanded form of Reiki, involving six higher vibration bands of Reiki energy. Through the channelling process we have found that there are eight bands of Reiki healing energies each going progressively higher in vibration. Lightarian™ Reiki occupies 6 bands. During these exciting transformational times these higher bands of Reiki are being re-introduced to assist humans in preparing for their shift (personal ascension process.) to higher vibration levels. Attunement in each Lightarian™ Reiki band progressively takes you to an increasingly higher personal vibration levels. The 6 vibrational bands of Lightarian™ Reiki are taught to those who already have Usui Masters and Karuna Reiki. Lightarian™ Reiki and are taught in 4 levels, with bands 1 and 2 grouped together, and bands 5 and 6 grouped together.

A pre-requisite is that you must be an Usui-based Reiki Master as all levels are master levels. If you have not completed Karuna Reiki level 1 and 2, a Lightarian ‘Buddhic Boost’ Attunement is required prior to the first Attunement to Levels 1 and 2. The majority of the principles and the philosophy of Lightarian™ Reiki are given with level 1 and 2 which then prepares one to receive a simple Attunement in the higher levels of Reiki 3 , 4 5, and 6. The minimum waiting period between receiving each of the 4 Lightarian™ Reiki Attunement levels is 30 days.

Programme Cost: R 2 000. R 500 x 4 Attunements (6 levels and 4 Attunements) Once payment is received manuals are ordered and posted to you. It is a process of self-study after which you make contact when you are ready for the first attunement.

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 Lightarian™ AngelLinks

AngelLinks are designed to create extraordinary connections for you with a high vibrational team of angelic beings that we call the “A-Team.” This “team” consists of a Seraph (named Rose Aura) and four Archangels (Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel). The AngelLinks have been inspired by Seraph Rose Aura and these Archangels in order to directly and more strongly work with humans to advance their spiritual development. Their intentions are to infuse into the energy fields of humans many of the qualities and energetic patterns which they embody. Typically, the connections created via the AngelLinks are much deeper than the angelic contacts that humans have long been experiencing. These linkages with Seraph Rose Aura and the four Archangels are especially fine-tuned, extremely high-vibrational and truly permanent in nature.

The cost for AngelLinks is R 1 000.00

Once payment is received manuals are ordered and posted to you. It is a process of self-study after which you make contact when you are ready for the first Attunement. AngelLinks Attunments are done at a pace comfortable for you, we recommend a 7 day gap between Attunements.

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Lightarian™ Purification Rings

Create powerful connections with the Seraphim, a specialised angelic team of seraphic energies consisting of different Seraphic groups that have stepped forward to assist you in your evolution and expansion of your energetic vibration. Expand the pure seraphic qualities of unconditional love, wholeness, harmonisation, beauty and bliss within your energy fields and anchored into day to day experiences. Establish a series of six unique and permanent guideship connections with these supportive seraphic groups.

The cost for Lightarian Purification Rings Programme Levels 1-6 is R 3 000 
Once payment is received manuals are ordered and posted to you. It is a process of self-study after which you make contact when you are ready for the first activation, activation must be a minimum of 7 days apart.

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