11.11 The Frequency of Oneness

11.11 The Frequency of Oneness

I have been seeing the 11.11 number combinations everywhere, on digital clocks, DSTV decoders, computer screens and even theatre tickets. Articles and notes are sent to me, students ask me questions and 11.11 is everywhere. This appearance of an abundance of11:11...
Chakras – A Balancing Act

Chakras – A Balancing Act

Everything we think, say and do has an energy repercussion. Good thoughts, words and actions vibrate at a high frequency and thus attract the same levels of frequency back to us. The opposite is also true, supporting the axiom of like attracts like. Following on from...
Nature’s Healing Gifts

Nature’s Healing Gifts

Nature’s Healing Gifts – Sound and Colour Summertime… Warm, sunny days; balmy nights and soft rain. We feel the lifeforce beginning to surge within  us in anticipation of spring’s imminent arrival and look forward to facing the world with...
Shadow Dancing

Shadow Dancing

“In the end the Shadow was only a small passing thing: there was light and high beauty forever beyond its reach.” ~ Tolkien ‘Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens’ ~ Carl Jung...