Migraine Headaches

Migraine Headaches

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Magnesium, Calcium, B3, B6, B12, Inositol, Amino Acids Spiritual Cause Resisting the flow of Life – fear of  what lies ahead – Fear of failure – Intense self-control – Repression of true feelings    ...

Loss is part of our human experience

If there’s one thing all people have in common, it’s that we experience loss many, many times in our lives . Loss is a reality and there is no right or wrong way to experience loss. Each person will have their own unique way of dealing with their loss. A loss is not...
Pure, Powerful and Profound Reiki

Pure, Powerful and Profound Reiki

Reiki is a gentle and non-invasive ancient natural healing therapy which does not cause pain or harm. Our entire universe “REI” is made up of energy and at a very basic level we are energy. The human life force energy or “KI” is an unseen...
Is there an alternative to chemotherapy

Is there an alternative to chemotherapy

After years of telling people chemotherapy is the only way to try (‘try’, being the key word) to eliminate cancer, John Hopkins is finally telling you… THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY!!! Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins: 1. Every person has cancer cells...


Scientifically we are all aware of electric energy, heat energy, kinetic energy, light energy and potential energy, but what about subtle energy or universal energy? Only a few can see it, but can we all feel it? The hippies called it a good or bad vibe. We talk about...
Are All Herbs Safe?

Are All Herbs Safe?

Just because a herb is natural does not mean it is safe. Some plants are highly toxic, or may have side effects when combined with other medicines. It is vital that your practitioner is well trained in the effects and indications for each herb and is best to use only...